I first came to know and have opportunities to study with Ramanand Patel 25 years ago when he came to teach workshops in Japan at IYC. I was a fairly new yoga student and Ramanad's teaching left an impression that changed the course of my life. Ramanand is a master teacher, a dedicated student of vedanta, of yoga, and a rare gift for any student or teacher to study with and gain insight onto the true path of yoga which is inward.
Leslie Howard has been studying regularly with Ramanand Patel for over 23 years. Like many of us she feels it is never enough as his depth of knowledge is unparalleled. Hence,her inspiration to cease the opportunity to create a video library of his teachings. To this end she has been meeting regularly and discussing a wide range of topics including his influential teachers, his approaches to yoga, and his interpretation of the chakras.
This first video is an interview about the early years of a young Ramanand Patel practicing with guruji in Pune and his beginings of Iyengar Yoga. There will be more to come we hope. I hope you will enjoy and be inspired as we have.
For those interested in contributing to the project please see GoFundMe